ReadyBoard-02 PIC Project Board
Last Updated 18 Dec 2014
The ReadyBoard series is designed to make prototyping or building
one-off projects with Microchip PIC
microcontrollers quick, easy, and cost effective. The basic
infrastructure around the PIC and interface to some specialized
peripherals is provided. You can concentrate on the unique part of
your application circuit, which is made easy by the large prototype
area. The resulting unit will be solid and rugged despite being a
The ReadyBoard-02 is targeted towards implementing USB devices.
It can be fully powered from the USB, or powered separately to make "self
powered" USB devices. This board may also be useful for non-USB
applications due to its very flexible input power and circuit power
options. It supports the common 28 pin PDIP package of the 16F and
18F PICs.
Individual units, $75.00 each
For shipping to the United States. A flat fee of $8.00 will be
charged for shipping and handling the first unit and $2.00 for each
additional unit in the same order.
For shipping to all other destinations. A flat fee of $25.00
will be charged for shipping and handling the first unit and $3.00 for
each additional unit in the same order.
Pack of 3 units, $190.00/pack
For shipping to the United States. A flat fee of $8.00 will be
charged for shipping and handling the first 3-pack, and $3.00 for each
additional 3-pack in the same order.
For shipping to all other destinations. A flat fee of $25.00
will be charged for shipping and handling the first 3-pack, and $5.00
for each additional 3-pack in the same order.
Product package
The product includes the
circuit board with a PIC 18F2550 installed in the target PIC socket and
the U1EX USB example firmware pre-loaded on it. No external power
supply is included, such as the wall wart shown powering the unit in the
picture above.
- Very flexible input power: USB, "5V" or "6V" power supply, 12-31V
DC, or 9-22V AC.
- Very flexible target circuit power: -2.4V, 3.3V, 3.9V, 5.0V,
5.6V, and 6.3V.
- USB interface.
- Intended for 28 pin 18F USB PICs but supports most PICs with the
28 pin PDIP footprint, such as 16F886, 18F2620, etc. PIC 18F2550
included. Does not support 28 pin dsPICs because these have a
different pinout.
- Built-in RS-232 interface to PIC UART.
- 8MHz main oscillator crystal included.
- Pads and load caps for timer 1 32768Hz crystal included.
Pads are for 8.0mm x 3.8mm SMD crystal like the Abracon ABS25
series. A suitable crystal can be obtained from DigiKey as part
number 535-9166-1-ND.
- Debug display for 8 digital signals. Separate LED for high
and low for each signal.
- MCLR driven high via 20Kohms by power supply circuit after power
up complete.
- RUN3V signal available for enabling 3.3V logic. This
signal is pulled up to 3.3V with 20Kohms and held low whenever MCLR is
held low.
- ICD2-compatible connector for programming and debugging of target
- All PIC I/O lines available on labeled double pads.
- Large breadboard area that includes two 14 pin SOIC and three
SOT23 footprints.
- Pushbuttons to ground on RB4, RB5, RB6, and RB7.
- 2x15 pin connector area, .1 inch pin pitch.
- RS-232 interface can be powered down and disconncted from the PIC
I/O lines by removing solder blob jumpers.
- Debug LED circuit can be powered down by removing a solder blob
- Quality four layer board with complete ground plane.
The breadboard area is suitable for high frequency signals.
- The Embed Inc USB firmware is
licensed for free use on this product. The U1EX USB example
firmware is preloaded onto the 18F2550 PIC supplied with the
- After installing the PIC 18F USB Framework release from
the software downloads page, parts of
the board can be controlled from a host out of the box. For
example, a arbitrary value can be driven on port B by using the SETB
command of the TEST_U1EX USB example host program.