Vendor block: 00002
Assigned to: Olin's
This page lists the IDs that have been allocated within the EmCan Vendor block shown above. Each ID within the vendor block is a 4 bit value. The vendor block and a ID together form the vendor block ID, sometimes referred to as the VBLOCKID. The complete VBLOCKIDs within this vendor block are:
Ethernet to MorBus controller interface. Firmware MORBET.
MorBus controller. Firmware MORB.
DCC power station with MorBus interface. Firmware MBDCC.
Power supply controller within DCC power station. Firmware DCCPWR.
Digital I/O board with MorBus interface, hardware MBDIG1 and later. 16 outputs and 8 inputs. Firmware MB1DIO (some versions, see firmware doc file).
Digital I/O board with MorBus interface, hardware IO2 or IO3. 16 outputs and 8 inputs. Firmware MB1DIO (some versions, see firmware doc file).