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The official cover price is $32.95 US, $46.50 Canadian. Most places seem to discount it about 10% or so, particularly if you are a member of an organization like IEEE, ACM, etc. Be sure to check this when ordering.
I also sell it directly for only $25 (US) if you can catch me at a seminar or whatever where such things are allowed. If you happen to be in Devens Massachusetts (the former Fort Devens army base in Ayer), you can stop by my office, but call first since I'm not always in.
Here are some places that I know sell it via mail order. These are just the ones I've bumped into, as I haven't gone out looking for URLs. Where possible, I've listed two URLs for each store. The first one is for the store's home page, the second one is as specific to this particular book at that store as I could find.
If you sell this book via mail order and you'd like to be listed here, send a quick note with the URLs to
While getting paid is nice, I recognize that I've learned much thru the generosity of others. I believe it's a professional's duty to eventually give this back by helping newcomers to the field. Let me know if you'd like a talk on computer graphics at your conference, school, college, university, or whatever. While I can't make blanket promises, all request will be considered seriously.